Marine Planning: delivery and future development from an England perspective

Dr Paul Gilliland
Head, Marine Planning, Marine Management Organisation

T: 0300 0604299

The delivery of marine planning in England continues to make progress and continues to remain challenging. The presentation will provide an update on developments with the East and South marine plans, some of the learning thus far, and outline a few considerations in looking forward.

The first marine plans in England – for the East Inshore and Offshore areas – were adopted in April 2014 along with a suite of supporting documents. The plans represent nearly three years of development work in collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders and with government. It is early days in the implementation and monitoring of the plans but some initial experience will be highlighted.

Planning officially started on the South Inshore and Offshore areas in April 2013. The South plan areas are complex and challenging. At the same time marine planning is an evolving process with expectations that the South will differ in some ways to the East plans. Recent progress in the planning process and next steps will be outlined including publication of the revised South Plans Analytical report, consultation on the Vision and Objectives, on-going engagement and analysis, and the development of Options.

The Maritime Spatial Planning Directive was adopted in 2014 and requires marine plans to be in place by March 2021. The presentation will outline some of the issues to be considered to ensure delivery in England given the current rate of progress.

In addressing the points above the presentation will draw out some reflections on the benefits and expectations of marine planning and marine plans.

More information on the MMO’s work on marine planning general as well on the East marine plans and South marine plans specifically can be found at