Author's posts
Apr 02
Jellyfish records Citizen science Stephen Pikesley
Stephen Pikesley 2015 Jellyfish by Coastal Futures
Apr 02
From Observation to action – the impacts of lost fishing gear on grey seals Sue Sayer & Bex Allen
Sue Sayer & Bex Allen 2015 Seals & Net Entanglement by Coastal Futures
Feb 04
Fishing in MPAs
Mark Duffy Principal Advisor, Marine Programme Team, Natural England E: Under the auspices of Defra there is currently a large project underway seeking to make commercial fishing activities compliant with MPA conservation objectives within “English Waters”. Spatially this is out to 200nm or the median line with advice provided by Natural England and JNCC, …
Feb 04
Inshore Management in Practice
Tim Robbins Chief Officer, Devon & Severn Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority T: 01803 854648 E: W: The Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 (MACAA) introduced a new framework for managing the marine environment and providing greater access to it. The Devon and Severn Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (D&SIFCA) were established by …
Feb 04
MPA designation and management in the Scottish Inshore and Offshore Zone
David Mallon Marine Scotland Head of Marine Environment T: 0131 244 1560 E: W: Marine Scotland is a Directorate of The Scottish Government and is responsible for the integrated management of Scotland’s seas. Marine Scotland’s purpose is to manage Scotland’s seas for prosperity and environmental sustainability, working closely with our key delivery partners …
Feb 04
MPA Designation and Management in England
Paul McLeod Defra T: 0207 238 1560 E: Kylie Bamford Defra T: 0207 238 6331 E: Marine Protected Areas designated in the right places, and managed in the right ways, have an important role in protecting the marine environment and safeguarding the contribution our marine resources can make to our society for generations …