Bob Earll

Author's posts

Spider Crab Invasion

Spider crab invasion ‘like an underwater horror film’ found off Devon coast (Plymouth Herald)

Dead Fin Whale

Dead fin whale washes up on Devon beach  (BBC)

Fronts & Gannets

Dolphin Brixham

Following the death of a dolphin in Brixham the Marine Management Organisation has clarified the regulations covering attempts to rescue them. See

South West Plankton Abigail McQuatters-Gollop

Abigail McQuatters-Gollop 2015 Plankton

Events and Observations – Delegate Feedback on 2015

SWME15 Delegate Feedback CATEGORY Order PDF1

Intertidal Discovery – Results of Recent Survey Carolyn Waddell

Carolyn Waddell 2015 Cornwall Intertidal Survey

The south west Fulmar project Alice Trevail

Alice Trevail 2015 Fulmar Project by Coastal Futures

Events & Observations 2014 Bob Earll & Duncan Jones

Bob Earll & Duncan Jones 2015 Welcome Events by Coastal Futures

Overfishing and the replacement of demersal finfish with shellfish Carolotta Molfese & Jason Hall-Spencer

Carlotta Molfese & Jason Hall-Spencer 2015 Fishing Down the Food Chain by Coastal Futures