Dr Heather Koldewey Head of Global Conservation Programmes, Zoological Society of London, Regent’s Park, London, NW1 4RY E: heather.koldewey@zsl.org Twitter: @heatherkoldewey Outline If marine conservation is truly important then why is it such a low priority for most people and bottom of the political agenda? Is the conservation community failing in selling the conservation message …
Category: Day 1
Feb 04
Reports from the front line of the current mass extinction: ocean acidification, fisheries and ecocide
Jason Hall-Spencer Professor of Marine Biology and Editor-in-Chief of Regional Studies in Marine Science, Plymouth University, PL4 8AA T: +44 1752887075 E: jhall-spencer@plymouth.ac.uk W: www.plymouth.ac.uk/staff/jason-hall-spencer We are now well into the Anthropocene. Since the 1950s there has been a human population explosion with widespread coastal habitat damage exacerbated by our ever increasing use of hydrocarbon …
Feb 04
Marine Data & Information – ‘Revolution and Evolution’
John Pepper Marketing Director, OceanWise Limited T: +44 (0)1420 768262 E: john.pepper@oceanwise.eu Mike Osborne OceanWise Limited E: mike.osborne@oceanwise.eu The key message that this presentation seeks to impart is that it is time to turn the way we think about data upside down. This is the revolution element. The evolution (or innovative – it’s so much …
Feb 04
Ecosystems Goods and Services in the Marine Environment: Indicators and Monitoring
Mel Austen Head of Science: Sea and Society, Plymouth Marine Laboratory E: mcva@pml.ac.uk W: http://www.pml.ac.uk/People/Heads-of-Science/Dr-Melanie-Austen Quantifying the provision of marine ecosystem services, how they have changed and how they might change in the future under different scenarios can help policy makers, regulators and other stakeholders to understand the societal importance of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. …
Feb 04
WFD: Draft River Basin Management Plans – estuarine and coastal implications
David Baxter Deputy Director, Water Framework Directive, Environment Agency E: david.baxter@environment-agency.gov.uk Estuarine and Coastal waters constitute a significant part of England’s water environment. They support numerous activities and present a range of environmental challenges and economic interests that straddle the land-sea interface. The Water Framework Directive (WFD) provides a mechanism for managing the water environment …
Feb 04
‘Smarter’ Regulation – NGO and Industry Perspective
Peter Barham Seabed Users Developers Group E: peterjbarham@googlemail.com Gwyn Williams and Kate Jennings RSPB ‘The highly regulated industries that are represented in SUDG which develop the sea bed have extensive experience of working with others regulators and stakeholders, including the RSPB, to reduce and resolve environmental impacts and there are many successful examples of …
Feb 04
A Strategic Approach to Cumulative Effects
Rachel Barker NIRAS Consulting Ltd, St Giles Court, Cambridge, CB3 0AJ T: 01223 803744 M: 07714 101842 E: reb@niras.com W: www.nirasconsulting.co.uk Cumulative effects can be considered as the combined effects of past, present and reasonably foreseeable activities over time, on environmental, economic and social receptors. An individual effect alone may be considered insignificant, but multiple …
Feb 04
The Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon: a blueprint for a new kind of energy infrastructure
Mike Case Head of Turbines, Tidal Lagoon Power Ltd T: 01452 303892 E: mike.case@tidallagoonpower.com Tidal Lagoon Power is preparing to start construction of the world’s first tidal lagoon power plant in Swansea Bay in 2015. The 320MW installed capacity project will establish a blueprint for the rapid roll-out of a fleet of full-scale tidal lagoons …
Feb 04
Reducing the risk of consenting for Offshore Wind energy
Emilie Reeve Programme Manager, Offshore Renewable Joint Industry Programme, Carbon Trust, 4th Floor Dorset House, 27-45 Stamford Street, London, SE1 9NT T: 020 7832 4511 E: emilie.reeve@carbontrust.com W: www.carbontrust.com/ORJIP Managed by the Carbon Trust, the Offshore Renewables Joint Industry Programme (ORJIP) is a joint industry programme between, the Department of Energy and Climate Change, Marine …
Feb 04
Future prospects and challenges for the Wave and Tidal Stream Energy Sectors
Stephanie Merry Head of Marine, Renewable Energy Association T: 07786 543138 E: smerry@r-e-a.net W: http://www.r-e-a.net/ Within the global arena, the UK remains at the forefront of tidal wave and tidal stream energy sectors. This stems from: A plentiful marine energy resource – 50% of the European tidal stream resource and 30% of the European wave …